Welcome to Arkansas Senior Resource Directory
If you sell products or services that benefit the senior community you need to be showcased in the Arkansas Senior Resource Directory.
The Arkansas Senior Resource Directory is the largest publication for seniors in Arkansas, with over 100,000 readers per issue including print & digital versions. It is targeted, affordable, and highly effective, boasting a 10-year history of success. For pricing information go to “Advertise With Us” or call Bill Freeman at 501-321-6171.
The largest publication for Seniors in Arkansas!
The mission of the Arkansas Senior Resource Directory is simply to empower our readers with the most complete information possible.
Nowhere else can you find dozens of age-related stories and Important Information in a handy little directory.
Deadline for 29th edition is June 16, 2025.
The largest publication for Seniors in Arkansas!
The mission of the Arkansas Senior Resource Directory is simply to empower our readers with the most complete information possible.
Nowhere else can you find dozens of age-related stories and Important Information in a handy little directory.
Arkansas Seniors: Our mission is You!
Thinking about advertising in the upcoming edition for release in August 2025? Read about Our Demographics and Our Distribution.

Arkansas Seniors: Our market is Your market
“Every day in the United States 10,000 people turn 65 years old”
Based on the 2020 Census, Senior Citizens over the age of 60 make up one-third of the population of Arkansas, roughly 1,000,000 strong! Most of these Seniors are still quite active, and the numbers are increasing daily as the Baby Boomers age. This is the market you have been trying to reach, and now there is a vehicle to get there – Arkansas Senior Resource Directory. This FREE unique directory can be taken home as a premier reference “Complete Guide” with timely information on Senior Housing, Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living, Home Care Services, Healthcare Products and Services, Legal & Financial Articles, Government Sponsored Services for Seniors, Local Discounts for Seniors, and other Lifestyle Services.
Latest Publication: FEBRUARY 2025 through JUly 2025
Where Do We Get Our Information?
We get updated information constantly from sources across the country including the following:
MD Anderson Cancer Center
The Mayo Clinic
The Cleveland Clinic
Bottom Line Health Letter
The Epoch Time
Harvard Medical School
Consumer Health Studies
UCLA Healthy Years
Eating Well
Environmental Nutrition
Tufts University
Healthy Aging at Mount Sinai

Our Demographics
Demographic Profile of Readers & Reasons to Advertise with ASRD
100,000 readership throughout the state with each issue. Large quantities of issues go to waiting rooms in hospitals and clinics throughout the state, including Case Managers in these hospitals.
We also distribute to Nursing, Retirement, Assisted Living and Rehabilitation facilities throughout the state, as well as Libraries, Veterans Associations, Seniors Associations, Clubs, etc.
In addition to our Online Directory, we publish locations by city of our distribution outlets, which now number over 70 cities in Arkansas.
95% of our Free Directories are taken home and kept as reference material by Seniors or anyone involved with seniors. This number includes persons who may become caregivers in the future.
67% of our readers are women between the ages of 45 and 75. All readers are interested in Senior Health and Health Related Articles.
Published twice yearly in February and August, giving you six months of coverage for one low rate.

Our Distribution
“Our statewide distribution offers the best opportunity to reach Arkansas Seniors, Caregivers, and Seniorcare Professionals.”
The Arkansas Senior Resource Directory is distributed throughout the state of Arkansas in most counties, including Arkansas’ large metropolitan areas of Little Rock and Fayetteville, as well as the centrally-located retirement communities of Hot Springs and Hot Springs Village. But unlike other printed publications, we go to small towns throughout Arkansas, giving those Seniors important information. And for those without internet access, we give them access-critical health articles.
Each edition covers the state of Arkansas and is printed semi-annually.
Download February 2021 Distribution List: